Source code for brutifus.brutifus_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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brutifus: a set of Python modules to process datacubes from integral field spectrographs.\n
Copyright (C) 2018-2019,  F.P.A. Vogt


This file contains general tools for the brutifus routines to fit the stellar continuum
and the emission lines in an IFU data cube.

Created November 2018, F.P.A. Vogt -
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import os
import signal
import numpy as np

from astropy.constants import c
from import fits

from .brutifus_version import __version__ as version
from . import brutifus_metadata as bifus_m

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[docs]def extract_cube(fn, inst): ''' Extracts the data and error associated with a given datacube. :param fn: relative path to file :type fn: string :param inst: Name of the instrument that took the data :type inst: string :return: [[lams,data,error], [header0, header_data, header_error]] :rtype: list ''' if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise Exception('File not found: %s' % (fn)) if inst not in bifus_m.ffmt.keys(): raise Exception('Instrument not supported: %s' % (inst)) # Open the FITS file, and extract the info I need hdu = if inst == 'MUSE': header0 = hdu[0].header else: header0 = None data = hdu[bifus_m.ffmt[inst]['data']].data header_data = hdu[bifus_m.ffmt[inst]['data']].header error = hdu[bifus_m.ffmt[inst]['var']].data header_error = hdu[bifus_m.ffmt[inst]['var']].header hdu.close() # Build the wavelength array - REST frame ! lams = np.arange(0, header_data['NAXIS3'], 1) * \ header_data['CD3_3'] + header_data['CRVAL3'] return [[lams, data, error], [header0, header_data, header_error]]
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[docs]def nearest_2dpoint(point, points): ''' Returns the nearest neighbor from a bung of points, and the distance :param point: 1x2 array with x, y coord :type point: numpy array :param points: Nx2 array with x, y coords :type points: numpy array :return: the min distance, the delta-x and delta-y, and the closest point :rtype: list ''' dist_2 = np.sum((points - point)**2, axis=1) min_id = np.argmin(dist_2) return (np.sqrt(dist_2[min_id]), points[min_id] - point, points[min_id])
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[docs]def init_worker(): ''' Handles KeyboardInterrupt during multiprocessing. .. note:: See ''' signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
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[docs]def hdu_add_brutifus(hdu, procstep): ''' Adds dedicated brutifus keywords to a FITS file header. :param hdu: The destination hdu to which the brutifus keywords must be added. :param procstep: The name of the processing step creating the FITS file. :type procstep: str :return: The newheader with brutifus info included. ''' hdu.header['BRUTIFUS'] = (version, 'brutifus version') hdu.header['B_STEP'] = (procstep, 'brutifus processing step') return hdu
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[docs]def hdu_add_wcs(newhdu, refheader): ''' Adds the WCS coordinates from a reference header to a new hdu. :param newheader: The destination hdu to which the WCS keywords must be added. :param refheader: The reference header, from which to transer the WCS keywords. :return: The new hdu with WCS info included. .. note:: Keywords transfered are 'CRPIX1', 'CD1_1', 'CTYPE1', 'CUNIT1', 'CRPIX2', 'CD2_2', 'CTYPE2', 'CUNIT2', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CRVAL1' and 'CRVAL2'. ''' newhdu.header['CRPIX1'] = refheader['CRPIX1'] newhdu.header['CD1_1'] = refheader['CD1_1'] newhdu.header['CTYPE1'] = refheader['CTYPE1'] newhdu.header['CUNIT1'] = refheader['CUNIT1'] newhdu.header['CRPIX2'] = refheader['CRPIX2'] newhdu.header['CD2_2'] = refheader['CD2_2'] newhdu.header['CTYPE2'] = refheader['CTYPE2'] newhdu.header['CUNIT2'] = refheader['CUNIT2'] newhdu.header['CD1_2'] = refheader['CD1_2'] newhdu.header['CD2_1'] = refheader['CD2_1'] newhdu.header['CRVAL1'] = refheader['CRVAL1'] newhdu.header['CRVAL2'] = refheader['CRVAL2'] return newhdu
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[docs]def hdu_add_lams(newhdu, refheader): ''' Adds the wavelength information from a reference header to a new hdu. :param newhdu: The destination hdu to which the wavelength keywords must be added. :param refheader: The reference header, from which to transer the wavelength keywords. :return: FITS HDU, the newheader with wavelength info included. .. note:: Keywords transfered are 'CTYPE3', 'CUNIT3', 'CD3_3', 'CRPIX3', 'CRVAL3', 'CD1_3', 'CD2_3', 'CD3_1' and 'CD3_2'. ''' newhdu.header['CTYPE3'] = refheader['CTYPE3'] newhdu.header['CUNIT3'] = refheader['CUNIT3'] newhdu.header['CD3_3'] = refheader['CD3_3'] newhdu.header['CRPIX3'] = refheader['CRPIX3'] newhdu.header['CRVAL3'] = refheader['CRVAL3'] newhdu.header['CD1_3'] = refheader['CD1_3'] newhdu.header['CD2_3'] = refheader['CD2_3'] newhdu.header['CD3_1'] = refheader['CD3_1'] newhdu.header['CD3_2'] = refheader['CD3_2'] return newhdu
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[docs]def inst_resolution(inst='MUSE', get_ff=False, show_plot=False): ''' Returns the functional resolution of an instrument as a function of the wavelength. Returns a callable function of the wavelength (in Angstroem !). :param inst: The name tag referring to a given instrument. :type inst: str :param get_ff: Whether to recompute the given function from a reference dataset or not. Only valid with inst = 'MUSE'. :type get_ff: bool :param show_plot: Whether to make a plot of the function. :type show_plot: bool :return: A function that takes a float (lambda in Angstroem), and returns the corresponding value of the chosen instrument resolution. :rtype: func .. note:: Supported instruments: 'MUSE' ''' if inst == 'MUSE': if get_ff: this_fn_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) ref_fn = 'MUSE_specs/MUSE_spectral_resolution.txt' R_lam = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(this_fn_path, ref_fn), skiprows=1) # Fit a polynomial to this. Deg 3 works well. z = np.polyfit(R_lam[:, 0]*10., R_lam[:, 1], 3) p = np.poly1d(z) if show_plot: plt.close(99) plt.figure(99) lams = np.arange(4500, 10000., 1) plt.plot(lams, p(lams), 'b-') plt.plot(R_lam[:, 0]*10., R_lam[:, 1], 'k.') else: #Fit on 02.2016: p = np.poly1d([-8.27037043e-09, 1.40175196e-04, -2.83940026e-01, 7.13549344e+02]) return p else: raise Exception('Unknown instrument...')
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