Running brutifus ================ The spirit of brutifus is that each user can choose, depending on the object at hand & the quality of the data, what processing steps are warranted. These are governed by the ``procsteps_brutifus.yaml`` file. In parallel, the user can define all relevant parameters using the ``params_brutifus.yaml`` file. The two files (that rely on YAML syntax) are `shipped as supplementary files with the code `_. The following high-level entry point will create local copies in your current location (assumed to be your favorite processing area). In a terminal: :: cd ~/where/ever/you/want brutifus --setup Doing so will create a local copy of both files in the current directory, together with generic working directories. .. note:: I very much suggest to run a ``brutifus --setup`` for each project, rather than using a single processing area for all projects. Setting parameters with ``params_brutifus.yaml`` ------------------------------------------------ All the brutifus parameters with a `scientific impact` can be specified inside this file. .. literalinclude:: ../../brutifus/exec_scripts/params_brutifus.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: .. todo:: A detailed list of what everything is/does would be nice. Until then, look at the comments inside the file for a clarification of what everything does. Setting the processing steps with ``procsteps_brutifus.yaml`` ------------------------------------------------------------- brutifus is designed to batch process all the individual spectra inside a given IFU datacube individually, exploiting multiple cpus (when available) to gain speed. The different steps to be executed, in sequential order, are defined in ````. Each step can be re-arranged as needed by the user. In practice, it is mostly the plotting steps that will be most duplicated to visualize the different intermediate products. Each step contains a handful of common parameters, including a step name, whether to run it (True) or not (False), and the suffix added to the associated product file. Arguments (such as cut levels for images) are passed via the ``args`` container. Of note are the ``name_in`` and ``name_out`` values: these allow the user to give `short reference tags` to specific intermediate products, in order to easily feed them to subsequent steps. .. literalinclude:: ../../brutifus/exec_scripts/procsteps_brutifus.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: .. todo:: A detailed list of what everything is/does would be nice. Until then, look at the comments inside the file for a clarification of what everything does. Launching the post-processing ----------------------------- Having prepared both ``params_brutifus.yaml`` and ``procsteps_brutifus.yaml``, you are ready to launch brutifus. This is done via the following high-level entry point:: >>> brutifus -e procsteps_brutifus.yaml params_brutifus.yaml If all goes according to plan, brutifus will start processing your data, one step after the other, printing some info along the way. **Some steps can take time (up to several hours) !** Just be patient - progress indicators will help you monitor each task, if you set ``'verbose': True`` inside ``params_brutifus.yaml``.